Saturday, April 5, 2014


What is multiplexing?
Frequency-Division Multiplexing
Time-Division Multiplexing (Synchronous)
Statistical Time-Division Multiplexing, etc.

Different type of Multiplexers
Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
·       Time division multiplexing (TDM)
Frequency Division Multiplexing
           Frequency spectrum is divided among multiple logical channels.
     • Each user can have access to its own assigned frequencies or logical channels at all the time the individual user is active.
    • Sends the signal in several distinct frequency ranges.
    • Used in cable TV.
    • Carry multiple video channel on a single cable
     Each signal is modulated on the different carrier frequency and the carrier frequencies are separated by guard‐bands.

FDM System

FDM of Three Voiceband Signals
 Disadvantages of FDM
    • The problem with the FDM is that it cannot utilize the full
capacity of the system.
      • We need to ensure that the adjacent band do not overlap         each other otherwise signal mayefect other Signal.
Time Division Multiplexing           
                 (T DM)
    • In time division multiplexing the time is divided into multiple smaller units called slots and each user is given a slot to transmit it signal.
    • Each user have the entire bandwidth of the channel for short duration of time.
    • T‐1 and ISDN telephone lines are common examples of time division multiplexing.
     Used for digital signals or analog signals carrying digital data.
    • Data rate of the transmission medium exceeds the required data rate of all the signals.
    • Clock synchronization is one of the major issue in
     TDM systems as a small mismatch in the timing may ruin the utility of overall system.

         An important feature of sampling process is a conservation of time.
     • In principle, the communication link is used only at the sampling time instances.
     • Hence, it may be feasible to put other message’s samples between adjacent samples of this message
on a time‐shared basis.
     • This forms the time‐division multiplex (TDM) system.

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