Amplifier Classes Explained
Not all amplifiers are the same and there is a clear distinction made between the way their output stages operate. The main operating characteristics of an ideal amplifier are linearity, signal gain, efficiency and power output but in real world amplifiers there is always a tradeoff between these different characteristics.
Not all amplifiers are the same and there is a clear distinction made between the way their output stages operate. The main operating characteristics of an ideal amplifier are linearity, signal gain, efficiency and power output but in real world amplifiers there is always a tradeoff between these different characteristics.
Generally, large signal
or Power Amplifiers are used
in the output stages of audio amplifier systems to drive a loudspeaker load. A
typical loudspeaker has an impedance of between 4Ω and 8Ω, thus a power
amplifier must be able to supply the high peak currents required to drive the
low impedance speaker.
One method used to
distinguish the electrical characteristics of different types of amplifiers is
by “class”, and as such amplifiers are classified according to their circuit
configuration and method of operation. Then Amplifier Classes is
the term used to differentiate between the different amplifier types.
Amplifier Classes represent the amount of the output signal
which varies within the amplifier circuit over one cycle of operation when
excited by a sinusoidal input signal. The classification of amplifiers range
from entirely linear operation (for use in high-fidelity signal amplification)
with very low efficiency, to entirely non-linear (where a faithful signal
reproduction is not so important) operation but with a much higher efficiency,
while others are a compromise between the two.
Amplifier classes are
mainly lumped into two basic groups. The first are the classically controlled
conduction angle amplifiers forming the more common amplifier classes of A, B, AB and C, which are defined by the length of their
conduction state over some portion of the output waveform, such that the output
stage transistor operation lies somewhere between being “fully-ON” and
The second set of
amplifiers are the newer so-called “switching” amplifier classes of D, E, F, G, S, T etc, which use digital circuits and pulse width modulation
(PWM) to constantly switch the signal between “fully-ON” and “fully-OFF”
driving the output hard into the transistors saturation and cut-off regions.
The most commonly
constructed amplifier classes are those that are used as audio amplifiers,
mainly class A, B, AB and C and to keep things
simple, it is these types of amplifier classes we will look at
here in more detail.
Class A amplifiers are the most common type of amplifier
class due mainly to their simple design. Class A, literally means “the best
class” of amplifier due mainly to their low signal distortion levels and are
probably the best sounding of all the amplifier classes mentioned here. The
class A amplifier has the highest linearity over the other amplifier classes
and as such operates in the linear portion of the characteristics curve.
Generally class A
amplifiers use the same single transistor (Bipolar, FET, IGBT, etc) connected
in a common emitter configuration for both halves of the waveform with the
transistor always having current flowing through it, even if it has no base
signal. This means that the output stage whether using a Bipolar, MOSFET or
IGBT device, is never driven fully into its cut-off or saturation regions but
instead has a base biasing Q-point in the middle of its load line. Then the
transistor never turns “OFF” which is one of its main disadvantages.
To achieve high
linearity and gain, the output stage of a class A amplifier is biased “ON”
(conducting) all the time. Then for an amplifier to be classified as “Class A”
the zero signal idle current in the output stage must be equal to or greater
than the maximum load current (usually a loudspeaker) required to produce the
largest output signal.
As a class A amplifier
operates in the linear portion of its characteristic curves, the single output
device conducts through a full 360 degrees of the output waveform. Then the
class A amplifier is equivalent to a current source.
Since a class A
amplifier operates in the linear region, the transistors base (or gate) DC
biasing voltage should by chosen properly to ensure correct operation and low
distortion. However, as the output device is “ON” at all times, it is constantly
carrying current, which represents a continuous loss of power in the amplifier.
Due to this continuous
loss of power class A amplifiers create tremendous amounts of heat adding to
their very low efficiency at around 30%, making them impractical for high-power
amplifications. Also due to the high idling current of the amplifier, the power
supply must be sized accordingly and be well filtered to avoid any amplifier
hum and noise. Therefore, due to the low efficiency and over heating problems
of Class A amplifiers, more efficient amplifier classes have been developed.
Class B Amplifier
Class B amplifiers were invented as a solution to the
efficiency and heating problems associated with the previous class A amplifier.
The basic class B amplifier uses two complimentary transistors either bipolar
of FET for each half of the waveform with its output stage configured in a
“push-pull” type arrangement, so that each transistor device amplifies only
half of the output waveform.
In the class B
amplifier, there is no DC base bias current as its quiescent current is zero,
so that the dc power is small and therefore its efficiency is much higher than
that of the class A amplifier. However, the price paid for the improvement in
the efficiency is in the linearity of the switching device
When the input signal
goes positive, the positive biased transistor conducts while the negative
transistor is switched “OFF”. Likewise, when the input signal goes negative,
the positive transistor switches “OFF” while the negative biased transistor
turns “ON” and conducts the negative portion of the signal. Thus the transistor
conducts only half of the time, either on positive or negative half cycle of
the input signal.
Then we can see that
each transistor device of the class B amplifier only conducts through one half
or 180 degrees of the output waveform in strict time alternation, but as the
output stage has devices for both halves of the signal waveform the two halves
are combined together to produce the full linear output waveform.
This push-pull design of
amplifier is obviously more efficient than Class A, at about 50%, but the
problem with the class B amplifier design is that it can create distortion at
the zero-crossing point of the waveform due to the transistors dead band of
input base voltages from -0.7V to +0.7.
We remember from
the Transistor tutorial that it takes a
base-emitter voltage of about 0.7 volts to get a bipolar transistor to start
conducting. Then in a class B amplifier, the output transistor is not “biased”
to an “ON” state of operation until this voltage is exceeded.
This means that the
part of the waveform which falls within this 0.7 volt window will not be
reproduced accurately making the class B amplifier unsuitable for precision
audio amplifier applications.
To overcome this
zero-crossing distortion (also known as Crossover Distortion) class AB amplifiers
were developed.
Class AB Amplifier
As its name suggests,
the Class AB Amplifier is a combination of the “Class A” and
the “Class B” type amplifiers we have looked at above. The AB classification of
amplifier is currently one of the most common used types of audio power amplifier
design. The class AB amplifier is a variation of a class B amplifier as
described above, except that both devices are allowed to conduct at the same
time around the waveforms crossover point eliminating the crossover distortion
problems of the previous class B amplifier.
The two transistors have
a very small bias voltage, typically at 5 to 10% of the quiescent current to
bias the transistors just above its cut-off point. Then the conducting device,
either bipolar of FET, will be “ON” for more than one half cycle, but much less
than one full cycle of the input signal. Therefore, in a class AB amplifier
design each of the push-pull transistors is conducting for slightly more than
the half cycle of conduction in class B, but much less than the full cycle of
conduction of class A.
In other words, the
conduction angle of a class AB amplifier is somewhere between 180o and
360odepending upon the chosen bias point as shown.
The advantage of this
small bias voltage, provided by series diodes or resistors, is that the
crossover distortion created by the class B amplifier characteristics is
overcome, without the inefficiencies of the class A amplifier design. So the
class AB amplifier is a good compromise between class A and class B in terms of
efficiency and linearity, with conversion efficiencies reaching about 50% to
Class C Amplifier
The Class C
Amplifier design has the greatest efficiency but the poorest linearity
of the classes of amplifiers mentioned here. The previous classes, A, B and AB are considered linear amplifiers, as the
output signals amplitude and phase are linearly related to the input signals
amplitude and phase.
However, the class C
amplifier is heavily biased so that the output current is zero for more than
one half of an input sinusoidal signal cycle with the transistor idling at its
cut-off point. In other words, the conduction angle for the transistor is
significantly less than 180 degrees, and is generally around the 90 degrees
While this form of
transistor biasing gives a much improved efficiency of around 80% to the
amplifier, it introduces a very heavy distortion of the output signal.
Therefore, class C amplifiers are not suitable for use as audio amplifiers.
Due to its heavy adudio
distortion, class C amplifiers are commonly used in high frequency sine wave
oscillators and certain types of radio frequency amplifiers, where the pulses
of current produced at the amplifiers output can be converted to complete sine
waves of a particular frequency by the use of LC resonant circuits in its
collector circuit.
Amplifier Classes
Then we have seen that
the quiescent DC operating point (Q-point) of an amplifier
determines the amplifier classification. By setting the position of the Q-point at half way on the load line of the amplifiers
characteristics curve, the amplifier will operate as a class A amplifier. By
moving the Q-pointlower down the load line changes the amplifier
into a class AB, B or C amplifier.
Then the class of operation
of the amplifier with regards to its DC operating point can be given as
Amplifier Classes and
As well as audio
amplifiers there are a number of high efficiency Amplifier Classes relating
to switching amplifier designs that use different switching techniques to
reduce power loss and increase efficiency. Some amplifier class designs listed
below use RLC resonators or multiple power-supply voltages to reduce power
loss, or are digital DSP (digital signal processing) type amplifiers which use
pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques.
Other Amplifier Classes
· Class
D Amplifier – A Class D audio amplifier is basically a non-linear
switching amplifier or PWM amplifier. Class-D amplifiers theoretically can
reach 100% efficiency, as there is no period during a cycle were the voltage
and current waveforms overlap as current is drawn only through the transistor
that is on.
· Class
F Amplifier – Class-F amplifiers boost both efficiency and output by
using harmonic resonators in the output network to shape the output waveform
into a square wave. Class-F amplifiers are capable of high efficiencies of more
than 90% if infinite harmonic tuning is used.
· Class
G Amplifier – Class G offers enhancements to the basic class AB
amplifier design. Class G uses multiple power supply rails of various voltages
and automatically switches between these supply rails as the input signal
changes. This constant switching reduces the average power consumption, and
therefore power loss caused by wasted heat.
· Class
I Amplifier – The class I amplifier has two sets of complementary
output switching devices arranged in a parallel push-pull configuration with
both sets of switching devices sampling the same input waveform. One device
switches the positive half of the waveform, while the other switches the
negative half similar to a class B amplifier. With no input signal applied, or
when a signal reaches the zero crossing point, the switching devices are both
turned ON and OFF simultaneously with a 50% PWM duty cycle cancelling out
any high frequency signals.
To produce the positive half of the output signal, the output of the positive switching device is increased in duty cycle while the negative switching device is decreased by the same and vice versa. The two switching signal currents are said to be interleaved at the output, giving the class I amplifier the named of: “interleaved PWM amplifier” operating at switching frequencies in excess of 250kHz.
To produce the positive half of the output signal, the output of the positive switching device is increased in duty cycle while the negative switching device is decreased by the same and vice versa. The two switching signal currents are said to be interleaved at the output, giving the class I amplifier the named of: “interleaved PWM amplifier” operating at switching frequencies in excess of 250kHz.
· Class
S Amplifier – A class S power amplifier is a non-linear switching
mode amplifier similar in operation to the class D amplifier. The class S
amplifier converts analogue input signals into digital square wave pulses by a
delta-sigma modulator, and amplifies them to increases the output power before
finally being demodulated by a band pass filter. As the digital signal of this
switching amplifier is always either fully “ON” or “OFF” (theoretically zero
power dissipation), efficiencies reaching 100% are possible.
· Class
T Amplifier – The class T amplifier is another type of digital
switching amplifier design. Class T amplifiers are starting to become more
popular these days as an audio amplifier design due to the existence of digital
signal processing (DSP) chips and multi-channel surround sound amplifiers as it
converts analogue signals into digital pulse width modulated (PWM) signals for
amplification increasing the amplifiers efficiency. Class T amplifier designs
combine both the low distortion signal levels of class AB amplifier and the
power efficiency of a class D amplifier.
We have seen here a
number of classification of amplifiers ranging from linear Power Amplifiers to
non-linear switching amplifiers, and have seen how an amplifier class differs
along the amplifiers load line. The class AB, B and C amplifiers can be defined in terms of the conduction
angle, θ as follows:
Amplifier Class by
Conduction Angle
Full cycle 360o of
θ = π
Half cycle 180o of
θ = π/2
Slightly more than 180o of
π/2 < θ < π
Slightly less than 180o of
θ < π/2
Class-D to T
ON-OFF non-linear switching
θ = 0
Audio Amplifier
following information was written in the late 1990's by Dennis A. Bohn and may
be referanced on Ranesprofessional audio referance
page in its entirety (assuming the link still works). The Rane site has a large
amount of great details and information, I suggest those interested in audio
visit and read up. The information for this page may have been updated since it
was originally posted such a long time ago.
amplifier classes Audio power amplifiers are classified according to the relationship between the output voltage swing and the input voltage swing, thus it is primarily the design of the output stage that defines each class.Classification is based on the amount of time the output devices operate during one complete cycle of signal swing.This is also defined in terms of output bias current [the amount of current flowing in the output devices with no applied signal]. For discussion purposes (with the exception of class A), assume a simple output stage consisting of two complementary devices (one positive polarity and one negative polarity) -- tubes (valves) or any type of transistor (bipolar, MOSFET, JFET, IGFET, IGBT, etc.).
--class A operation is where both devices conduct continuously for the entire cycle of signal swing, or the bias current flows in the output devices at all times. The key ingredient of class A operation is that both devices are always on. There is no condition where one or the other is turned off. Because of this, class A amplifiers in reality are not complementary designs. They are single-ended designs with only one type polarity output devices. They may have "bottom side" transistors but these are operated as fixed current sources, not amplifying devices. Consequently class A is the most inefficient of all power amplifier designs, averaging only around 20% (meaning you draw about 5 times as much power from the source as you deliver to the load!) Thus class A amplifiers are large, heavy and run very hot. All this is due to the amplifier constantly operating at full power. The positive effect of all this is that class A designs are inherently the most linear, with the least amount of distortion. [Much mystique and confusion surrounds the term class A. Many mistakenly think it means circuitry comprised of discrete components (as opposed to integrated circuits). Such is not the case. A great many integrated circuits incorporate class A designs, while just as many discrete component circuits do not use class A designs.]
--class B operation is the opposite of class A. Both output devices are never allowed to be on at the same time, or the bias is set so that current flow in a specific output device is zero when not stimulated with an input signal, i.e., the current in a specific output flows for one half cycle. Thus each output device is on for exactly one half of a complete sinusoidal signal cycle. Due to this operation, class B designs show high efficiency but poor linearity around the crossover region. This is due to the time it takes to turn one device off and the other device on, which translates into extreme crossover distortion. Thus restricting class B designs to power consumption critical applications, e.g., battery operated equipment, such as 2-way radio and other communications audio.
--class AB operation is the intermediate case. Here both devices are allowed to be on at the same time (like in class A), but just barely. The output bias is set so that current flows in a specific output device appreciably more than a half cycle but less than the entire cycle. That is, only a small amount of current is allowed to flow through both devices, unlike the complete load current of class A designs, but enough to keep each device operating so they respond instantly to input voltage demands. Thus the inherent non-linearity of class B designs is eliminated, without the gross inefficiencies of the class A design. It is this combination of good efficiency (around 50%) with excellent linearity that makes class AB the most popular audio amplifier design.
--class AB plus B design involves two pairs of output devices: one pair operates class AB while the other (slave) pair operates class B.
--class C use is restricted to the broadcast industry for radio frequency (RF) transmission. Its operation is characterized by turning on one device at a time for less than one half cycle. In essence, each output device is pulsed-on for some percentage of the half cycle, instead of operating continuously for the entire half cycle. This makes for an extremely efficient design capable of enormous output power. It is the magic of RF tuned circuits (flywheel effect) that overcomes the distortion create d by class C pulsed operation.
--class D operation is switching, hence the term switching power amplifier. Here the output devices are rapidly switched on and off at least twice for each Sampling Theorem. Theoretically since the output devices are either completely on or completely off they do not dissipate any power. If a device is on there is a large amount of current flowing through it, but all the voltage is across the load, so the power dissipated by the device is zero (found by multiplying the voltage across the device [zero] times the current flowing through the device [big], so 0 x big = 0); and when the device is off, the voltage is large, but the current is zero so you get the same answer. Consequently class D operation is theoretically 100% efficient, but this requires zero on-impedance switches with infinitely fast switching times -- a product we're still waiting for; meanwhile designs do exist with true efficiencies approaching 90%.
--class E operation involves amplifiers designed for rectangular input pulses, not sinusoidal audio waveforms. The output load is a tuned circuit, with the output voltage resembling a damped single pulse.
The following terms, while generally agreed upon, are not considered "official" classifications
--class F [If the person from Motorola Communications Division (I believe) who wrote me with all the great input re broadcast amp classes, could write me again. I would appreciate it. I did all the suggested edits, then promptly threw away your suggestions, forgot to save the file, and lost them all! Write me ( Thanks!]
--class G operation involves changing the power supply voltage from a lower level to a higher level when larger output swings are required. There have been several ways to do this. The simplest involves a single class AB output stage that is connected to two power supply rails by a diode, or a transistor switch. The design is such that for most musical program material, the output stage is connected to the lower supply voltage, and automatically switches to the higher rails for large signal peaks [thus the nickname rail-switcher]. Another approach uses two class AB output stages, each connected to a different power supply voltage, with the magnitude of the input signal determining the signal path. Using two power supplies improves efficiency enough to allow significantly more power for a given size and weight. Class G is becoming common for pro audio designs. [Historical note: Hitachi is credited with pioneering class G designs with their 1977 Dynaharmony HMA 8300 power amplifier.]
--class H operation takes the class G design one step further and actually modulates the higher power supply voltage by the input signal. This allows the power supply to track the audio input and provide just enough voltage for optimum operation of the output devices [thus the nickname rail-tracker]. The efficiency of class H is comparable to class G designs. [Historical note: Sound craftsmen is credited with pioneering class H designs with their 1977 Vari-proportional MA5002 power amplifier.]
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